Are you gearing up for a JavaScript developer interview?
You’re in the right place!
Today, I want to share the same insights that propelled me forward in my career.
In this article, I’ll guide you through the top 20 ES6 interview questions that every developer must prepare for.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro brushing up on your skills or a newcomer eager to make your mark, these questions are your gateway to showcasing your expertise.
Master them, and you won’t just walk into that interview; you’ll stride in with confidence.
Let’s embark on this journey together and transform you into the candidate every employer dreams of hiring!
1. What is ES6 and Why is it Important?
ES6 is the sixth edition of the ECMAScript language specification, which is the foundation for JavaScript.
Officially released in June 2015, ES6 introduced several groundbreaking features that transformed how developers write code.
To put it simply, if you’re still coding with pre-ES6 JavaScript, it’s like navigating the web with Internet Explorer in 2005—painfully outdated!
Key Improvements Over Previous Versions
One of the most exciting aspects of ES6 is its host of enhancements that streamline coding and boost productivity.
Here are some key improvements that make ES6 a game-changer:
Arrow Functions: Forget the cumbersome function
keyword; with arrow functions, I can write cleaner and more concise function expressions.
For example:
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
This simple tweak not only reduces the amount of code I need to write but also preserves the context of this
(a lifesaver in many scenarios!).
Template Literals: String interpolation became a breeze with template literals.
I can now create multi-line strings easily without yelling “escape character!” at my computer.
Just look at this example:
const message = `Hello, ${name}! Welcome to our website.`;
Destructuring Assignment: This nifty feature allows me to extract values from arrays or properties from objects into distinct variables.
It saves time and reduces redundancy.
For instance:
const person = { name: 'Alice', age: 25 };
const { name, age } = person;
Promises: With promises, I can manage asynchronous code much more efficiently.
No more callback hell—just a cleaner, more readable approach to handling asynchronous operations.
Impact on Modern JavaScript Development
The introduction of ES6 fundamentally reshaped how we approach JavaScript development.
Let’s look at its impact:
Improved Code Readability: With cleaner syntax and new features, my code is not only more efficient but also easier for others (and future me) to understand.
This is crucial in a team environment where multiple developers work on the same codebase.
Facilitating Modern Frameworks: Many modern frameworks and libraries, like React and Angular, leverage ES6 features to provide a better developer experience.
If you’re getting into these frameworks (and you should!), understanding ES6 is essential.
Broader Acceptance of JavaScript: The enhancements brought on by ES6 have helped legitimize JavaScript as a powerful programming language, broadening its acceptance in enterprise-level applications.
In fact, according to a 2020 Stack Overflow survey, JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language by developers.
2. Explain the difference between let, const, and var
Scope Differences
One of the biggest differences among let
, const
, and var
boils down to scope.
In JavaScript, scope determines where a variable is accessible within the code.
Here’s a straightforward breakdown:
: This variable declaration is function-scoped.
Simply put, if you declare a variable with var
inside a function, it’s not accessible outside that function.
But if you declare it outside any function, it becomes globally scoped.
This can lead to some confusing behavior and bugs.
For instance:
function testVar() {
var x = 10;
console.log(x); // ReferenceError: x is not defined
: This is block-scoped.
That means it lives within the curly braces {}
of the nearest block (function, loop, or an if
Here’s a quick example:
if (true) {
let y = 20;
console.log(y); // ReferenceError: y is not defined
: Just like let
, const
is also block-scoped.
The difference?
You cannot re-assign a constant once it’s declared.
If you try, it will throw an error.
For instance:
const z = 30;
z = 40; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
Hoisting Behavior
Ah, hoisting—the JavaScript characteristic that every developer must learn to love (or at least tolerate).
Let’s dive into how hoisting affects var
, let
, and const
: Variables declared with var
are hoisted to the top of their function scope.
This means you can use the variable before it’s declared—though it will be undefined
until the actual declaration line is executed.
console.log(a); // Output: undefined
var a = 5;
: Unlike var
, variables declared with let
are also hoisted but will result in a ReferenceError if you try to access them before their declaration.
This leads to a concept called the temporal dead zone (TDZ).
Take a look:
console.log(b); // ReferenceError: Cannot access 'b' before initialization<br>let b = 10;
: The rules for const
are the same as for let
, including the TDZ.
You can’t use it before it’s declared either.
3. How do arrow functions differ from regular functions?
Syntax Comparison
First things first, let’s talk about syntax.
Regular functions are like the classic recipes passed down from family; they have a familiar structure.
You declare a function using the function
keyword followed by a name and parentheses.
Here’s a simple example:
function greet(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;
Arrow functions, on the other hand, are a sleek, modern alternative that cuts down on verbosity.
They eliminate the need for the function
keyword and allow you to write more concise code.
Here’s how that same greet
function looks as an arrow function:
const greet = (name) => `Hello, ${name}!`;
Notice how the arrow function immediately feels more streamlined?
If there’s only one parameter, you can even skip the parentheses:
const greet = name => `Hello, ${name}!`;
That’s a neat trick for when you’re aiming for brevity, and let’s be real – who isn’t?
Lexical ‘this’ Binding
Now, let’s get to the juicy part: the lexically bound this
This is where things start to get interesting.
In regular functions, the value of this
is determined by how the function is called, which can lead to some confusing scenarios.
Here’s a quick example:
const obj = {
value: 42,
regularFunction: function() {
obj.regularFunction(); // Outputs: 42
However, if I were to use that same regular function in a different context, say as a callback, this
could point to something unexpected:
const callback = obj.regularFunction;
callback(); // Outputs: undefined or throws an error in strict mode
But when I use an arrow function, it retains the this
value from the context in which it was defined.
Here’s the same example using an arrow function:
const obj = {
value: 42,
arrowFunction: () => {
obj.arrowFunction(); // Outputs: undefined (but you get the idea)
In this case, you can see that it does not point to obj
because it does not have its own this
; it inherits this
from the surrounding code.
So while arrow functions can be a blessing for preserving the context, they can also lead to unexpected behavior if you’re not careful.
4. What are template literals and how do they work?
Syntax and Usage
First things first: the syntax.
Template literals are enclosed by backticks (`
), as opposed to the usual single ('
) or double ("
) quotes.
This simple change not only looks cool but packs in a lot of power!
Here’s the basic usage:
const greeting = `Hello, world!`;
That’s a regular string, but where things get exciting is when you mix in variables or expressions.
With template literals, you can effortlessly embed these into your strings using the ${}
For example:
const name = 'Alice';
const greeting = `Hello, ${name}!`; // Outputs: Hello, Alice!
Multiline Strings
Have you ever tried to create a string that spans multiple lines using regular quotes?
It usually ends up looking like a maze of escape characters (\n
Well, template literals make this a breeze!
Here’s a nifty example:
const message = `This is line one.
This is line two.
And here's line three.`;
With a simple backtick, I can create a clean, readable string without all those awkward line-break characters.
This is especially helpful when you’re dealing with long strings like HTML snippets or formatted text.
Expression Interpolation
Now, let’s talk about the magic of expression interpolation.
This feature allows you to execute JavaScript expressions inside your template literals.
You can perform calculations or even call functions right within your strings!
Consider this example:
const a = 5;
const b = 10;
const sumMessage = `The sum of ${a} and ${b} is ${a + b}.`; // Outputs: The sum of 5 and 10 is 15.
Just like that, I can incorporate dynamic content right into my strings effortlessly.
It’s a fantastic way to keep your code clean and expressive without clunky concatenations.
5. Describe the Concept of Destructuring in ES6
Object Destructuring
First up, we have object destructuring.
This nifty technique allows me to unpack properties from objects directly into distinct variables.
Why is this helpful?
Well, it makes my code cleaner and saves a ton of typing—especially when dealing with nested objects.
Here’s a quick example to illustrate the point:
const person = {
name: 'Alice',
age: 30,
job: 'Developer'
// Traditional way
const name =;
const age = person.age;
// Object destructuring
const { name, age } = person;
console.log(name); // Alice
console.log(age); // 30
As you can see, object destructuring condenses my code neatly.
If I wanted to rename a variable while destructuring, it’s just as easy:
const { name: fullName, age } = person;
console.log(fullName); // Alice
This flexibility not only boosts readability but also clarifies what data I’m working with.
Array Destructuring
Now, onto array destructuring.
This technique lets me extract values from arrays with ease and style.
It’s perfect for situations like unpacking function return values or handling data from an API.
Here’s a simple usage example:
const colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
// Traditional way
const first = colors[0];
const second = colors[1];
// Array destructuring
const [firstColor, secondColor] = colors;
console.log(firstColor); // red
console.log(secondColor); // green
And just like with objects, I can skip items or collect the remaining elements using the rest syntax.
Check this out:
const [primary, ...secondary] = colors;
console.log(primary); // red
console.log(secondary); // ['green', 'blue']
With array destructuring, I can elegantly manage multiple values without cluttering my code with indexes.
Default Values and Rest Parameters
But wait, there’s even more!
Destructuring allows me to set default values, which come in handy when dealing with potentially undefined variables.
Let’s see it in action:
const settings = {
theme: 'dark',
notifications: false
// Without destructuring
const theme = settings.theme || 'light';
const notifications = settings.notifications !== undefined ?
settings.notifications : true;
// With destructuring
const { theme = 'light', notifications = true } = settings;
console.log(theme); // dark
console.log(notifications); // false
In this example, if a property doesn’t exist in the object, I can easily provide a default value, reducing the need for lengthy conditional checks.
Lastly, let’s not forget about the rest parameters syntax when destructuring.
It allows me to group the remaining elements in an object or array into a single variable.
This is particularly useful when I want to capture extra data without explicitly defining each variable.
For example:
const user = {
id: 1,
name: 'Bob',
email: '',
password: 'hashed_password'
// Destructure with rest
const { password, ...userDetails } = user;
console.log(userDetails); // { id: 1, name: 'Bob', email: '' }
In this case, the password
is excluded for security reasons while the rest of the user details are captured cleanly.
6. How Does the Spread Operator Work in ES6?
Syntax and Usage
The spread operator is represented by three dots: ...
When you see this little trio in code, it’s a signal that something exciting is about to happen.
The spread operator lets you expand or “spread” elements from an iterable (like an array or an object) into another array or object.
But why would you want to do this?
Let me give you a couple of powerful reasons:
- Cleaner Code: It eliminates the need for cumbersome loops and makes your code more readable.
- Data Manipulation: Need to combine arrays or objects?
The spread operator has your back.
Here’s a quick example to illustrate its syntax:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
const moreNumbers = [4, 5, ...numbers]; // Results in [4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
Spreading Arrays
Imagine you’re at a party full of arrays, and each one is vying for your attention.
The spread operator is your ticket to mixing and mingling.
With it, you can combine multiple arrays effortlessly.
Here’s how:
1. Create your original arrays.
2. Use the spread operator to combine them into a new one.
Here’s a practical code snippet:
const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
const array2 = [4, 5, 6];
const combinedArray = [...array1, ...array2]; // Results in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Isn’t that elegant?
You can even add elements in between or at either end:
const enhancedArray = [0, ...array1, 7]; // Results in [0, 1, 2, 3, 7]
This makes building and manipulating data structures easier and reduces boilerplate code.
Spreading Objects
Just when you thought it couldn’t get cooler, the spread operator also works wonders with objects.
It’s the magical glue that helps merge and clone object properties without breaking a sweat.
Suppose we’ve got two objects:
const person = { name: 'John', age: 30 };
const job = { title: 'Developer', company: 'Tech Co.' };
Using the spread operator, I can create a new object that combines these two seamlessly:
const fullProfile = { ...person, ...job };
// Results in { name: 'John', age: 30, title: 'Developer', company: 'Tech Co.' }
This not only saves time, but it also ensures that the original objects remain intact (no more mutations here!).
You can also override specific properties:
const updatedProfile = { ...fullProfile, age: 31 };
// Results in { name: 'John', age: 31, title: 'Developer', company: 'Tech Co.' }
Rest Parameters
Now, let’s switch gears a bit.
The spread operator and rest parameters may look alike, but they serve different purposes.
While the spread operator expands elements, rest parameters gather them.
This is particularly useful when you want to create functions that accept a variable number of parameters:
function sum(...numbers) {
return numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
console.log(sum(1, 2, 3, 4)); // Results in 10
In this case, ...numbers
collects all arguments passed into the function and returns their sum.
It’s like a party where you invite as many friends as you want, and they all fit comfortably in your function.
7. What are ES6 Modules and How Do They Improve Code Organization?
Import and Export Syntax
At the heart of ES6 modules is their import and export syntax.
This structure allows developers to divide their code into reusable pieces, which enhances both clarity and maintainability.
Let’s take a closer look:
Exporting a Module: You can export functions, objects, or variables from a module.
This is done using the export
For example:
// exporting a named function
export function myFunction() {
console.log("Hello from myFunction!");
// exporting a variable
const myVariable = "Hello, World!";
export { myVariable };
Importing a Module: Once something is exported, you can import it into another module with the import
Here’s how that looks:
import { myFunction, myVariable } from './myModule.js';
myFunction(); // Outputs: Hello from myFunction!
console.log(myVariable); // Outputs: Hello, World!
Default Exports vs. Named Exports
Now that we’ve covered the basics of importing and exporting, it’s essential to understand the difference between default exports and named exports.
This distinction can really dictate how you structure your code and how easily other developers can use it.
Named Exports
As seen in the previous example, named exports allow you to export multiple variables or functions from a module.
This is especially handy when you want to expose several functionalities.
Each named export is imported using the exact name it was exported with.
Default Exports
Unlike named exports, a module can have one default export.
This is useful when your module is focused on a single functionality or object.
Here’s what it looks like:
// myModule.js
export default function myDefaultFunction() {
console.log("Hello from the default function!");
// You can import it like this:
import myDefault from './myModule.js';
myDefault(); // Outputs: Hello from the default function!
Choosing between named and default exports depends on your project’s needs.
If you have many utilities, go for named exports.
If you have one primary function, default exports might be your best friend.
Benefits of Modular Code Structure
So why should you care about these modules?
Well, here’s the scoop – modular code structure comes with a ton of benefits:
Improved Organization: With ES6 modules, your codebase is cleaner.
You’ll have separate files for different functionalities, making it easier to follow and maintain.
Reusability: Modules allow you to use the same code across different projects without rewriting it.
This not only saves time but also ensures consistency in your applications.
Encapsulation: Modules can help you encapsulate functionality.
This means that variables and functions defined in a module won’t interfere with those in another module (unless you explicitly export them).
This protects the integrity of your code.
Easier Testing: Since each module focuses on a specific piece of functionality, it becomes easier to test each component in isolation.
This can lead to faster and more effective debugging.
Better Collaboration: In a team setting, modular code helps different developers work on separate parts of a project simultaneously without stepping on each other’s toes.
8. Explain the Concept of Promises in ES6
What is Asynchronous Programming?
Before diving into promises, let’s quickly discuss asynchronous programming.
The main idea here is that certain operations take time (like fetching data from an API), and we don’t want our entire program to freeze while we wait for these operations to complete.
Think of it like waiting for your coffee to brew.
If you sat there doing nothing, you’d miss out on a lot of potential productivity.
With asynchronous programming, you can start the coffee brewing process and get on with other tasks, like checking your emails or preparing your morning playlist.
Promises are a vital part of this workflow.
Understanding Promise States
Now, let’s break down the magic of promises.
A promise can be in one of three states:
Pending: This is the initial state.
Think of it as your coffee pot brewing.
The process is ongoing but not yet complete.
Fulfilled: This state occurs when the operation completes successfully—like that glorious moment when you finally have a cup of coffee in your hands.
Rejected: Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned.
Maybe your coffee maker breaks down or, in programming terms, something went wrong during the operation.
This state is where the promise indicates failure.
Here’s a simple representation:
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Asynchronous operation here
In this code snippet, resolve
corresponds to the fulfilled state, and reject
relates to the rejected state.
So, when you hear a recruiter ask about promise states, you’ll be ready to impress them with your knowledge of this “brew-tiful” analogy!
Chaining Promises
One of the coolest features of promises is their ability to create a chain of operations.
Suppose you want to make a cup of coffee, add some cream, and finally enjoy a pastry—all in a sequence.
With promises, this is seamless.
Imagine you’re fetching data from an API.
Each asynchronous operation can be chained together using the .then()
method, which only executes when the previous promise is fulfilled.
Here’s how that looks in action:
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
See what I did there?
Each .then()
waits for the previous promise to complete.
If any promise in the chain is rejected, the catch()
method will handle it.
Error Handling with catch()
Speaking of errors, let’s chat about error handling because, let’s face it, bugs happen.
That’s where the .catch()
method comes into play.
It allows us to gracefully manage errors that might occur during our asynchronous operations.
By using .catch()
, you can consolidate your error handling in one place — making your code cleaner and easier to maintain.
Here’s an example:
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.json();
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error.message));
In this snippet, if the API request fails or the response status isn’t acceptable, the error is caught and logged.
9. What are ES6 Classes and How Do They Differ from Function Constructors?
Class Syntax: The Easiest Way to Define a Class
First off, let’s take a look at the class syntax itself.
In ES6, defining a class gets a whole lot cleaner and more intuitive.
Instead of using function constructors, you can leverage the class
Here’s how it looks:
class Animal {
constructor(name) { = name;
speak() {
console.log(`${} makes a noise.`);
In this snippet, I’ve defined an Animal
class with a constructor that initializes the name property and a method called speak()
What’s nifty about this syntax is its clear structure.
It resembles traditional object-oriented programming languages like Java or C++, making it more accessible for developers coming from those backgrounds.
Constructor Method: A Fresh Perspective
Moving on to the constructor method, which is a special method in a class definition.
It’s automatically called when creating an instance of a class using the new
In our previous example, I set up a constructor like this:
constructor(name) { = name;
This method is akin to function constructors, which serve the same purpose.
However, the key difference is that the constructor method is more explicit in classes and can help reduce common traps that former JavaScript developers might face.
To illustrate, a function constructor can look like this:
function Animal(name) { = name;
While both accomplish similar tasks, ES6 syntax is generally easier to read and maintain.
Inheritance with extends
: A Game Changer
Now, here comes the fun part: inheritance.
In ES6, you can create a class that is a child of another class using the extends
It makes code organization and reuse more straightforward.
Here’s a quick example:
class Dog extends Animal {
speak() {
console.log(`${} barks.`);
In this snippet, the Dog
class extends the Animal
It inherits the properties and methods of the Animal
class, while also adding its unique behavior.
So when I call a Dog instance like this:
const fido = new Dog('Fido');
fido.speak(); // Fido barks.
This is inheritance made simple!
Additionally, I could even call the parent class constructor using super()
inside the child class:
class Dog extends Animal {
constructor(name) {
speak() {
console.log(`${} barks.`);
Static Methods: A New Level of Functionality
Last but not least, let’s touch on static methods.
These are like the superheroes of class methods; they belong to the class rather than any instance of the class.
You declare static methods by using the static
Here’s an example:
class Animal {
static info() {
console.log('Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms.');
When I want to call the static method, I do it directly on the class:; // Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms.
It’s worth noting that static methods can’t be called on instances, which can help keep class instances lightweight and focused on their specific functionality.
10. How does the ‘for…of’ loop work in ES6?
Syntax and Usage
First, let’s get the syntax down.
The for…of loop lets you iterate over iterable objects like arrays, strings, maps, and even sets.
Unlike its predecessor, the classic for loop, which you might remember looking something like this:
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
The for…of loop is much more elegant.
Here’s what it looks like:
for (const value of iterable) {
Pretty straightforward, right?
In this code snippet, iterable
is the object you want to loop over, while value
will hold the current item on each iteration.
No need to mess with indexes or lengths; it’s like magic, except it’s just cleaner syntax.
Iterating Over Arrays and Other Iterable Objects
Now, you’re probably wondering how this plays out with actual data.
Let’s take a look at arrays first.
Here’s a simple example:
const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'];
for (const fruit of fruits) {
When you run this code, the output will be:
This showcases the for…of loop’s power in action—iterating over each element of the array without breaking a sweat.
But don’t think this is limited to arrays!
You can swing the same magic on strings like so:
const greeting = 'Hello';
for (const char of greeting) {
This will output:
Comparison with for…in Loop
At this point, it’s worth discussing how the for…of loop stacks up against the for…in loop.
The for…in loop iterates over enumerable properties of an object, not its values.
Let’s compare:
for…in example:
const car = { make: 'Tesla', model: 'Model S', year: 2021 };
for (const key in car) {
console.log(`${key}: ${car[key]}`);
make: Tesla
model: Model S
year: 2021
Here, for…in gives you the keys of the object, which is useful but can lead to some unexpected behavior when dealing with arrays.
So, why does this matter?
When you use for…in with arrays, you may end up iterating over properties that don’t pertain to the elements, like methods or inherited properties.
This can yield inaccuracies and confusion, especially if you weren’t aiming to dig up all of those unexpected surprises.
On the flip side, the for…of loop looks directly at iterable objects’ values, giving you the clean and straightforward access you’re after.
So, in scenarios where you need to iterate over elements, the for…of loop is often the superior choice.
11. What Are Default Parameters in ES6 Functions?
Syntax for Default Parameters
Default parameters in ES6 allow you to define a default value for a function parameter if no value or undefined
is passed.
This feature is a game-changer because it eliminates the need for boilerplate code to check for missing parameters.
Here’s the basic syntax:
function greet(name = 'Guest') {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;
In the example above, if you call greet()
without passing a name, it will default to “Guest.” If you call it with a name like greet('Alice')
, it returns “Hello, Alice!” This simple addition enhances code readability and keeps your functions tidy.
Evaluation of Default Values
The beauty of default parameters is that they get evaluated at call time.
This means that if you pass a null
value, the default will not kick in, as null
is considered a valid argument.
Check this out:
console.log(greet()); // Outputs: Hello, Guest!
console.log(greet('Alice')); // Outputs: Hello, Alice!
console.log(greet(null)); // Outputs: Hello, null!
Notice how greet(null)
returns “Hello, null!” instead of triggering the default parameter.
I find this aspect particularly useful to know because it helps prevent unwanted default values from sneaking into my application logic.
Combining with Destructuring
Why stop at just default parameters when you can combine them with destructuring?
This powerful pairing can simplify your code even more.
Destructuring allows you to unpack values from arrays or properties from objects.
Here’s an example:
function createUser({ name = 'Guest', age = 18 } = {}) {
return `User: ${name}, Age: ${age}`;
In this case, we’ve destructured the object and also specified default values.
If the function is called without an argument, it will return “User: Guest, Age: 18”.
Saying goodbye to undefined values has never been easier!
Here’s how you might use it:
console.log(createUser()); // Outputs: User: Guest, Age: 18
console.log(createUser({ name: 'Alice' })); // Outputs: User: Alice, Age: 18
console.log(createUser({ age: 25 })); // Outputs: User: Guest, Age: 25
console.log(createUser({ name: 'Bob', age: 30 })); // Outputs: User: Bob, Age: 30
As you can see, combining default parameters with destructuring is not just clever—it’s efficient and makes your functions adaptable to various scenarios.
12. Explain the Concept of Rest Parameters in ES6
What Are Rest Parameters?
Rest parameters enable you to represent an indefinite number of arguments as an array.
Rather than being confined to just a fixed count, you can now create functions that can accept any number of arguments.
This is especially handy when you’re not sure how many inputs you’ll receive.
Syntax and Usage
The syntax for using rest parameters is straightforward.
You simply prefix your parameter with three dots (…).
Here’s a quick example:
function sum(...numbers) {
return numbers.reduce((acc, num) => acc + num, 0);
In this simple function, I’m using the ...numbers
syntax to gather all the function’s arguments into an array called numbers
This means I can now call sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
and it will return 15
How cool is that?
Difference from Arguments Object
Now, you might be wondering: How does this differ from the old-school arguments
object? Great question!
While the arguments
object gives you access to all arguments passed to the function, it comes with limitations:
- Not a real array:
is an array-like object, meaning it lacks many array methods such asforEach
. You’d have to convert it to a true array first, which can be cumbersome. - Lacks rest parameters’ flexibility: With
, you always get all the arguments, whether you want them or not.
This can lead to messy code when you’re only interested in a few.
Here’s a quick comparison to clear things up:
Feature | Rest Parameters | Arguments Object |
Type | Real array | Array-like object |
Array methods available | Yes | No |
Must be the last parameter | Yes | Not applicable |
Alternatives for fewer/more args | Easily handles them | Returns all args |
Combining with Other Parameters
One of the best aspects of rest parameters is the ability to mix them with regular parameters.
This opens up a world of possibilities!
Here’s how you can do it:
function combine(separator, ...items) {
return items.join(separator);
console.log(combine(', ', 'apple', 'banana', 'cherry')); // Outputs "apple, banana, cherry"
In this example, the separator
parameter is a regular parameter, followed by the ...items
rest parameter.
This means I can define how I want to combine the items and still accept any number of fruits or whatever else I might want to include.
13. What are Symbol Data Types in ES6?
Purpose and Characteristics of Symbols
Symbols were introduced in ES6 to provide a new primitive data type.
If you’re thinking, “Great, another data type to remember,” let me assure you—Symbols are worth your time.
Unique and Immutable: One of the standout features of Symbols is that each symbol is unique.
You could create two symbols with the same description, and they would still be distinct.
This means you can use Symbols as property keys without worrying about accidental name clashes.
Just imagine trying to manage state in a large app and running into property collisions—all that nightmare is avoided with Symbols.
Non-String Keys: Unlike strings, which are the traditional property keys in JavaScript, Symbols allow you to create non-string keys.
This is super handy when you want to add “private” properties to an object.
Though you’re not technically making them private (because JavaScript doesn’t have access modifiers), using Symbols provides a layer of obscurity compared to regular keys.
Not Enumerated in Loops: When you’re looping through an object’s properties, symbols won’t show up in the
loop or Object.keys()
, which means they don’t interfere with your regular object structure.
This can be a perfect approach for defining properties that you don’t want cluttering your enumeration.
Creating and Using Symbols
Creating a Symbol is as easy as pie.
You invoke the Symbol()
Here’s a quick example:
const mySymbol = Symbol('description');
In this case, 'description'
is optional, but it’s beneficial for debugging.
Remember, this doesn’t affect the uniqueness of the symbol; two symbols created with the same description will still be distinct.
You can even use Symbols as object properties:
const myObject = {
[mySymbol]: 'Hello, World!'
console.log(myObject[mySymbol]); // Outputs: Hello, World!
Symbol.for() and Symbol.keyFor()
Now, let’s get into a couple of very useful methods related to Symbols: Symbol.for()
and Symbol.keyFor()
Symbol.for(): This method allows you to create a symbol that is shared across your entire JavaScript environment.
If you’ve created a Symbol with a given key using Symbol.for('keyName')
, you can retrieve the same Symbol later:
const sharedSymbol = Symbol.for('sharedKey');
const anotherSymbol = Symbol.for('sharedKey');
console.log(sharedSymbol === anotherSymbol); // Outputs: true
This feature comes in handy when you want to have a globally accessible symbol without needing to worry about duplicates.
Symbol.keyFor(): This method does the reverse of Symbol.for()
It enables you to retrieve the key associated with a global symbol.
Here’s how it works:
const uniqueSymbol = Symbol.for('myGlobalSymbol');
console.log(Symbol.keyFor(uniqueSymbol)); // Outputs: myGlobalSymbol
14. How do ES6 Maps and Sets differ from Objects and Arrays?
Map vs. Object
First up, we have Maps and Objects.
Both serve as key-value stores, but they’re not interchangeable, and here’s why:
Key Types: Objects only allow strings (or symbols) as keys.
This limitation can be a real buzzkill when you want to use something more dynamic.
Maps, on the other hand, can accept both objects and primitive values as keys.
Want to use a function or another object to access your data?
Go ahead!
Iteration: Ever tried looping over an Object?
You typically have to use for…in or Object.keys() to get the ball rolling.
Maps, however, are iterable out of the box.
You can use forEach(), which feels a lot more natural.
It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, let’s iterate together!”
Performance: Here’s a little tidbit: Maps perform better in scenarios involving frequent additions and removals of key-value pairs.
In contrast, Objects can lag behind, particularly as they grow in size.
If performance is crucial to your app, you might want to lean into Maps when the usage requires a dynamic, constantly changing dataset.
Takeaway: If you need to manage a collection of key-value pairs, especially ones with complex keys, Maps are your friend.
Set vs. Array
Now, let’s jump over to Sets and Arrays.
Here, we’re talking about collections of values, but with some significant differences:
Uniqueness: One of the major selling points for Sets is that they only store unique values.
This means no duplicates.
If you have an array and try to add a duplicate value to a Set, it’ll just shrug and move on.
Arrays, on the flip side, will hold onto those duplicates like they’re your favorite old jeans.
Order: Sets maintain the insertion order of elements, but unlike Arrays, they don’t offer the various manipulative methods like .push() and .pop().
While this might feel limiting at first, it encourages you to think more carefully about your data structure choices.
Performance: Sets can also offer better performance when it comes to checking for the existence of a value.
If you try to see if an item is in an Array, you may need to loop through it — postal code style.
Check with a Set?
It’s a near-instantaneous lookup.
Methods and Use Cases for Maps and Sets
Let’s not forget about the fancy methods these structures bring to the table:
- set(key, value): This is your go-to for adding or updating entries.
- get(key): Retrieve the value associated with that key.
Super handy, right?
- has(key): Check if a key exists in the Map.
- delete(key): Remove an entry — clean and simple.
- clear(): Wipe the slate clean.
- add(value): Toss a new value into your Set.
- has(value): Check if a value already exists (without stumbling through duplicates).
- delete(value): Like a bad habit, say goodbye to an item.
- clear(): Instantly remove all entries.
15. What is the Purpose of the Object.assign() Method in ES6?
Shallow Copying Objects
is a method that creates a shallow copy of one or more source objects into a target object.
Picture this: you’ve got an object that stores all your important configurations, and you want to whip up a personalized version without messing up your original.
That’s where Object.assign()
comes in.
Here’s a simple example:
const originalConfig = {
theme: 'dark',
notifications: true
const userConfig = Object.assign({}, originalConfig, { notifications: false });
// Output: { theme: 'dark', notifications: false }
In this snippet, I created a new object (userConfig
) that starts off as an empty object {}
Then, I pulled in properties from originalConfig
and also changed the notifications
property to false
The beauty here is that originalConfig
remains untouched.
However, remember that the copying is shallow.
This means if your objects have nested objects, Object.assign()
will only copy the references to those nested objects, not the actual objects themselves.
Merging Objects
Next up on the excitement train: merging!
also works like a charm when you want to merge multiple objects into one.
Let’s say you’ve got several configurations scattered across various objects.
With Object.assign()
, you can combine them into a single object without breaking a sweat:
const defaultConfig = { theme: 'light', notifications: true };
const userPreferences = { notifications: false };
const serverConfig = { theme: 'dark' };
const mergedConfig = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig, userPreferences, serverConfig);
// Output: { theme: 'dark', notifications: false }
In this case, properties from serverConfig
take precedence over defaultConfig
when there’s a conflict.
So, if multiple source objects share the same keys, the last one wins!
This merge feature can be a real time-saver when dealing with large amounts of configuration data or even state management in frameworks like React.
Limitations and Gotchas
As much as I love using Object.assign()
, it’s not without its quirks.
Here are a few limitations and gotchas that I’ve encountered along the way:
Shallow Copy: As I mentioned earlier, since Object.assign()
performs a shallow copy, any changes to nested objects in the copied object will reflect in the original object, leading to potential unintended side effects.
If you’re dealing with objects that have nested structures, you may want to consider using libraries like Lodash’s _.cloneDeep
Immutable Objects: Object.assign()
doesn’t create a new instance of classes.
If you’re working with class instances, this can create some unexpected behaviors.
A simple method of cloning an instance can inadvertently mess with its methods and properties.
Non-Enumerable Properties: This method only copies over the enumerable properties.
If you have non-enumerable properties in your source objects, don’t expect Object.assign()
to bring them along for the ride.
Prototype Inheritance: If the source object has properties that are part of its prototype chain, these won’t be copied over.
This is one reason why understanding the prototype chain is crucial when using this method.
Data Types: Beware of special data types.
If you’re working with objects that are not plain objects (like Date, Map, Set, etc.), you’ll need to tread carefully.
They might not behave as you expect.
16. Explain the Concept of Computed Property Names in ES6
Dynamic Property Names in Object Literals
In the world of ES5 and earlier versions, if you wanted to set a property name, you had to know it in advance.
It felt a bit like being stuck in a box—limited and constrained.
But with ES6, that box has been thrown wide open!
Computed property names allow us to use expressions inside object literals.
This means that instead of statically defining the names, I can effectively “compute” them based on variables or even function calls.
Let’s see a quick example:
const key = "name";
const user = {
[key]: "Alice",
age: 30
console.log(user); // { name: 'Alice', age: 30 }
Here, I used a variable (key
) to set the property name dynamically.
This means I can easily avoid a ton of repetitive code when I want to create objects based on variable names or even system-generated values.
It’s like having a flexible toolbox rather than being limited to a single screwdriver.
Usage with Square Bracket Notation
Now, you might be wondering how this technique plays with square bracket notation.
Well, think of square brackets as your ultimate DIY tool—perfect for adjusting and changing things on the fly.
When you’re dealing with dynamic keys, square bracket notation is your best friend.
Here’s a little illustration to drive the point home:
const dynamicKey = 'color';
const car = {
[dynamicKey]: 'red',
model: 'Tesla'
console.log(car); // { color: 'red', model: 'Tesla' }
In this example, using square brackets allowed me to set the property name color
dynamically based on the value stored in dynamicKey
Not only does this make my code cleaner, but it also opens up endless possibilities.
It’s also worth noting that computed property names improve code readability by making it clear where the property names are coming from.
Combining with Symbol Keys
Ever heard of Symbols?
Well, let me enlighten you!
Symbols are a unique and immutable data type introduced in ES6.
They serve as perfect keys when you want to avoid naming collisions.
By combining computed property names with Symbol keys, I can create truly unique object properties.
Consider the following code snippet:
const uniqueID = Symbol('id');
const item = {
[uniqueID]: 123,
name: 'Widget'
console.log(item[uniqueID]); // 123
In this case, I created a unique key (uniqueID
) using a Symbol and then used computed property names to assign a value to it.
This ensures that my id
property won’t conflict with any other keys in the item
object or elsewhere in the code.
It’s like having a secret handshake—only the chosen ones get access!
17. How does the ‘async/await’ syntax work in ES6?
Asynchronous Function Declaration
First things first—what exactly is an asynchronous function?
In ES6, you can declare a function as asynchronous by prepending the async
This signifies that the function will return a Promise, allowing you to use the await
keyword within it.
Here’s a simple example to get our gears turning:
async function fetchData() {
// Function body goes here
Ah, a world of possibilities!
An asynchronous function can perform operations without blocking the main thread, which is crucial when you’re working with tasks like API calls or file handling.
Imagine waiting for a pizza while staring at the delivery countdown; you’d want to do other things too!
Await Keyword Usage
Now, let’s bring in the await
This is where the magic truly happens.
When you prefix a Promise with await
, it pauses the execution of your async function until that Promise resolves or rejects.
It’s like saying, “Hold on a second; let me get the result before proceeding.” Here’s how it looks:
async function fetchData() {
const response = await fetch('');
const data = await response.json();
return data;
In this scenario, await
effectively tells the function to wait for the fetch()
call to get a response.
Once that’s done, it moves on to the response.json()
and finally hands you the data like a waiter serving the main course.
Error Handling with Try/Catch
One of the most significant improvements with async/await
is how it handles errors.
Gone are the days of deeply nested .catch()
in Promise chains.
Instead, I can wrap my asynchronous code in a try/catch
Here’s a treasure trove of clarity brought to error management:
async function fetchData() {
try {
const response = await fetch('');
if (!response.ok) throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
const data = await response.json();
return data;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Fetch error:', error);
With this syntax, I catch errors in an intuitive way.
If something goes wrong—like my internet connection deciding to take a coffee break—I’m notified promptly and can handle it gracefully.
Comparison with Promise Chains
Now, you might be asking: how does async/await
stack up against traditional Promise chains?
Let’s take a moment to compare the two approaches:
Feature | Async/Await | Promise Chains |
Readability | More readable; resembles synchronous code | Can become hard to read with nesting |
Error handling | Simple with try/catch | Requires .catch() at each level |
Control flow | Sequential execution; easier to follow | Callback hell can occur if not managed |
While Promise chains are great for handling asynchronous tasks, they can become unwieldy when chaining multiple promises together.
The clean and straightforward nature of async/await
makes it easy to read and maintain, especially for complex flows.
18. What are generator functions in ES6?
Syntax and Usage
At first glance, the syntax for generator functions might seem a bit quirky.
But once you understand it, you’ll see how intuitive it can be.
To define a generator function, you use the function*
syntax—notice the asterisk next to “function.” This signals to JavaScript that you’re creating a generator.
Here’s a quick example:
function* myGenerator() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
In this snippet, I’ve defined a generator function called myGenerator
Inside, we have three yield
statements—more on that in a bit.
But before we move on, let’s clarify a key point: when I call myGenerator()
, it doesn’t return a regular value.
Instead, it returns an iterator object, which we can later use to manage our flow of data.
Yielding Values
Now, what’s all this fuss about yield
In a nutshell, yield
is the pause button for a generator function.
When the execution hits a yield
statement, it pauses and returns the value specified.
When you resume the function, it continues right from that point—not back at the top.
Let’s see this in action:
const generator = myGenerator();
console.log(; // { value: 1, done: false }
console.log(; // { value: 2, done: false }
console.log(; // { value: 3, done: false }
console.log(; // { value: undefined, done: true }
After calling next()
, the generator returns an object containing a value and a done property.
The done
property tells me if the generator has completed its execution.
In this case, after three calls to next()
, the fourth call reveals that the generator is done.
Iterating Over Generator Functions
Generators shine when it comes to iteration.
Instead of manually tracking state or managing complex loops, I can use a for...of
loop to iterate through all yielded values.
Here’s how it looks:
for (const value of myGenerator()) {
This makes generator functions a breeze to work with when I want to iterate over a series of values without compromising code readability.
Use Cases for Generators
So, why use generator functions?
Here are some standout use cases I love:
Asynchronous Programming: By yielding promises, I can manage asynchronous operations more smoothly.
This leads to clearer code flows compared to traditional callback hell.
It’s like having a personal assistant who knows when to pause and resume tasks.
Lazy Evaluation: Generators allow me to define potentially infinite sequences (e.g., Fibonacci numbers) without generating all values upfront.
This means I can conserve memory and resources efficiently.
State Management: You’re not just yielding values; you’re managing state across multiple invocations of the generator.
This is especially handy for maintaining complex states in applications like games or simulations.
19. How does the method differ from the === operator?
Strict Equality Comparison
The ===
operator, also known as the strict equality operator, is often one of the first things I learn in JavaScript.
It checks both the value and the type of the operands being compared.
So, if you’re comparing a number to a string, ===
will return false, even if their values are identical:
console.log(5 === '5'); // false
This strict equality check can feel safe.
After all, it maintains type integrity, which is crucial in preventing pesky bugs.
However, it does have some quirks worth noting.
Special Cases: NaN, -0, and +0
This is where things get particularly intriguing!
The ===
operator has a couple of “special cases” that can trip us up, particularly with NaN and the two forms of zero.
NaN: This is the only value in JavaScript that is not equal to itself.
So, if we check:
console.log(NaN === NaN); // false
It might feel counterintuitive, but this is how it works.
We’ll clearly need another strategy if we want to compare NaN values.
-0 and +0: These two values may look identical but are actually different.
Interestingly, the strict equality operator treats them as equal:
console.log(-0 === +0); // true
But fear not!
will separate these two:
console.log(, +0)); // false
When to Use vs. ===
Now, let’s talk about when to use
over ===
Here are some scenarios you might find helpful:
Use ===
for Regular Comparisons: If you’re dealing with standard values (like numbers, strings, and booleans), the ===
operator does the job just fine.
It’s reliable, fast, and simple.
for Edge Cases: If you’re in a situation where you might encounter NaN or you need to differentiate between -0 and +0, that’s when
20. What are Some Best Practices for Writing Clean ES6 Code?
Consistent Use of let
and const
You’ve likely heard the mantra, “use let
and const
instead of var
.” But why is that the case?
The difference lies in the level of scope and reassignment rules.
: This should be your go-to declaration when you want to create a variable that won’t change.
For instance:
const MAX_USERS = 100;
I mean, who wants arbitrary changes ruining their carefully crafted logic?
: Use let
when you expect the value of a variable to change over time.
It’s block-scoped, which is cleaner than var
, which can hoist itself around in confusing ways.
A clear example:
let currentUser = 'Alice';
currentUser = 'Bob';
By consistently using let
and const
, you can improve the clarity of your code.
Trust me; it makes it easier for you and your future self (or teammates) to understand what you were thinking.
Leveraging Arrow Functions
Okay, let’s chat about arrow functions.
These nifty little constructs not only reduce the verbosity of your functions but also carry the context of this
from their enclosing scope—something that traditional functions can sometimes mess up.
It’s like they have built-in loyalty!
Here’s a classic comparison:
// Traditional function
const traditionalFunction = function(a, b) {
return a + b;
// Arrow function
const arrowFunction = (a, b) => a + b;
Simple, right?
Arrow functions also allow you to skip the curly braces and the return keyword for single-expression functions.
Just imagine how clean and crisp your code can look when you embrace them!
Using Template Literals for String Interpolation
Remember the old way of concatenating strings?
It often resembled a game of Tetris—so many +
signs and clunky syntax.
With ES6, we have template literals, which are literally a game changer.
Instead of:
const name = 'Alice';
const greeting = 'Hello, ' + name + '!';
You can write:
const greeting = `Hello, ${name}!`;
Not only does this make your code cleaner, but it also opens up new possibilities for multi-line strings.
Want to include line breaks without resorting to horrible hacks?
Adopting Destructuring and Spread Operators
Last but certainly not least, let’s tackle destructuring and spread operators.
These are pure magic when it comes to simplifying your code.
Destructuring lets you unpack values from arrays or properties from objects with ease.
Instead of doing this:
const user = {
name: 'Alice',
age: 25,
email: ''
const name =;
const age = user.age;
You can simply write:
const { name, age } = user;
It’s more concise, less error-prone, and honestly, who doesn’t want to write less code?
Spread operators take it a step further by allowing you to expand arrays or objects into new entities.
For instance:
const nums = [1, 2, 3];
const moreNums = [4, 5, ...nums];
Now you’ve got a new array with just a sprinkle of magic!
Final Thoughts
As we wrap up this exploration of the top 20 ES6 interview questions, it’s clear that mastering these concepts is essential for any JavaScript developer looking to make a mark in the industry.
From understanding variable scope to grasping the intricacies of promises and asynchronous programming, these topics form the foundation of modern JavaScript development.
I remember my own journey of preparing for ES6 interviews; the blend of excitement and nervousness can be overwhelming.
However, diving deep into these principles not only boosts your confidence but also equips you to tackle real-world challenges.
The knowledge gained here isn’t just for interviews—it’s a toolkit for writing cleaner, more efficient code.
So, as you gear up for your interview, remember to focus on understanding these concepts instead of rote memorization.
Keep refining your skills and stay updated with the latest in JavaScript, and you’ll certainly stand out to potential employers.
With this preparation, I’m confident you’re well on your way to landing that dream job.
Go get it!